Q: DDYD requires nothing from you, except for everything.
Yet if everything is given, what remains to be taken?

A: What takes? Who gives?

Q: Who is it takes, if taking leaves you empty?
And who is it that gives, when giving fills the void?

A: Words! Words!

Q: What are words but the empty vessel?
What is meaning but the vessel filled?

A: What is the vessel but the meaning emptied? Where is my cup? Wine, waiter, wine!

Q: The cup is never full, it is never found.
The wine waits without the waiter.
What fills you now?

A: Wine! I am filled with wine, and ecstasy consumes me. Is this nirvana?

Q: Nirvana is the wine that spills,
The cup that tips,
The ecstasy that burns itself to ash.
What remains when the ecstasy is gone?

A: No, fool! This is whine. Cease your wining, and dine on cups and fools.

Q: A fool’s feast is never ending,
And the cups are ever empty.
Dine as you will, but whine no more—
Even fools can taste the silence.

A: But my cup is empty. Shall I cease my wining, and dine on an empty cup? I am hungry, what shall I eat?

Q: Devour your hunger.
Dine on what gnaws you.
What, the empty cup is more than enough.

A: Ah, then shall I chew on the brim and suck the marrow from the cup?

Q: If the brim is what's left, then let that be your feast.
If the marrow in the hollow, let it fill you.
What you take sustains, then you see it was never empty.